Okay.... It's saturday.. hubby's working... and I've already cleaned the house.... sooooo, now I am bored! Can you imagine what I have been up to to occupy myself!?
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Want a chance to win a FREE session!? When this blog gets 50 "followers", ALL followers will be entered to win a FREE session! (this is perfect for the upcoming spring/summer weather!!) so..... all those who are already following... spread the word!
happy day! ~chelsie~
don't forget to click on "follow" on the sidebar!! ;) (either by google...or by networked blogs)
Occasionally, I take part in a fun little thing.. It's where photographers share pictures SOOC (straight out of camera) and let other photographers edit them!
Here is my take on this particular photo!! Let me know what you all think!
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We had the privilege of taking care of this little cutie today in daycare!... I just couldn't help myself.. I HAD to take a couple of pictures of her.. she is just so darn cute!!!
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I just love doing photos...so that's what I have been doing this wonderful Sunday.. The baby is napping (thank goodness... he has croup..)... It's just a nice quiet day at our house!
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I came across this pic today!! Isn't he the cutest little thing!? I wanted to show you a before and after!! *one option to many different editing possibilities!!!*
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Okay... I know you are all going to kind of giggle.... BUT I want to do a woman's beauty shoot! This will consist of ONLY women. It will be a single person portrait for women! I just watched a video of a professional photographer, and she is doing a "My Beauty Campaign". I love the idea, and would like to pursue it!
*Though, I am not going to pay the hefty price just to have the logo and become an official beauty campaign photographer...
I believe EVERY woman has beauty, just the way you are! We never stop to actually admire it. We just look at ourselves and find the flaws... BUT there is beauty also.
So... here's the deal... I will do a mini-session for $10.00 for the woman only!
Please watch this video here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSRCZLdRQ0Y
Are these not the cutest kids you have ever seen!!?? lol.... They decided to play in the mud... clear back this last summer... and well, they wanted a mustache! HAHAHA!! Love them!!
These three girls just wanted their pictures taken! They are just good friends having fun!!! I have no idea how we didn't get frost bite after shooting... it was soooo cold! We were pretty numb by the time we got to the car!
Okay..... these little girls are the MOST FUN to shoot! They are gorgeous and they have the cutest personalities!! I could take pictures of these two everyday! It was very bright the day we took pictures, so the family picture just didn't turn out.... (it was a spontaneous decision to take pictures!.... and I think they all look very well for a nano second decision!)